Sunday, 9 February 2014

Boomerang Love

Her wavy, russet hair
The way her eyes danced and her mischievous grin
Her strongly-worded opinions
The electric blue that framed her eyes
Her secret love for jazz music

He marvelled at it all
Sighing, he leaned in carefully.
She bit her lip and tilted her chin upwards, beaming

'Oh God,' he thought, 'her smile!'

Desire which was suppressed for far too long, finally culminated
Their lips parted, hers slightly more
He was gentle, yet passionate in his movements
His hands caressed the crescent-shaped birthmark on her midriff
Her fingers traced the contours of his chiselled face and she smiled

He pulled back slightly and gazed at her
It was his turn to beam,
'She smiles when she particularly enjoys it,' he fondly thought
She looked deeply into his thickly-lashed eyes and realised that all that she ever wanted was in front of her

He loved her, he loved every bit of her
Pulling her closer, he decided it was time she should know, 'if it isn't obvious by now,' he mused.
"I think you should know something," he whispered into an ear that was tingling with excitement, "I am in love with you, Mio Carino," and proceeded to kissing her again.

She didn't immediately reciprocate and slightly frowned through her smile, "You've never called me that before," said she.
"I like it," she decided, and whispered, "I love you too."

Too late. The muscles on the nape of his neck were taut, his eyes glazed.

The façade collapsed and the damage was done.
Because it was in that moment, he realized. He knew it all along, but it was never as lucid before; Or as crushing.

But to have it hit him like a ton of bricks, was crippling.

He now knew with a certainty he's rarely had before.

She was a rebound. And he was in love with her.

What slowly began eating him inside wasn't the beast that ravenously lashed within him moments ago.
No, this monster was far more brutish.

He sat with a thud on the edge of the couch they had been slowly inching towards. He was paralyzed with heart-wrenching despair, for he didn't know who he was in love with.

In retrospect, he thought, 'it’s her, it’s always been her.' But too much time had passed.

Karma, it seems, ricocheted; in the most potent way.


  1. This is really good Kim! You should definitely keep writing and I'm happy that the blogging keeda from your room-mate is catching on to you! :D

    1. Haha! Thank you very much, Nayan! ^_^
      I'm glad she got me to start writing. :D

  2. It is just mesmerizing. Beautifully written! :')

    1. Coming from a writer like you, that means a great deal. Thanks, Prat! :)

  3. A great read Kimster!!Visual, descriptive & tragic!Ms. Prakash certainly gets some credits but a hi-five for this one!
